Packages will be shipped by ePacket or other channel depending on the weight, size of the product and country. You can upgrade to express shipping to speed up the delivery by EMS / DHL / FedEx (4-5 days) from China.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes. Replica bag ru provide free shipping to over 180 countries around the world. However, there is some location we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.
How long does shipping take?
Shipping time varies by location & custom clearance on your country. It is usually 5-7 days via Free shipping.
These are our estimates for Free Shipping Method:
Location | *Estimated Shipping Time |
United States | 4-5 business days |
Canada, Europe4- | 4-5 business days |
Australia, New Zealand | 4-5 business days |
Mexico, Central America, South America | 5-6 business days |
*This doesn’t include our 3-5 days order processing time.
Do you provide tracking information?
Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contain your tracking information. If you haven’t received tracking info within 10 days after making the payment, please reply to your “Payment Order” email for info.
Will my items be sent in one package?
Replica bag ru always try to ship in a separate package to lower the risk of being taxed and seized by custom.